
Showing posts from July, 2019

A Worthy Opponent

Maxwell and Henry start and end each day with a wrestling match of some kind because well, brothers I guess. After this particular match last week at Blackwater River, Maxwell turned to me and while he was trying to catch his breath he said, "damn. Henry's a worthy opponent now". That's right, Moose. Little brother's coming for you. Blackwater River 

Boys vs. Girls

Last week a friend of mine posted this on Facebook and I actually laughed out loud... I had just finished asking Maxwell what he needed for his dorm room and he literally said, "I'll probably just get another flag".  Ladies and gents, I give you exhibit A and exhibit B. The differences between boys and girls... Exhibit A Maxwell's freshman dorm. Note the flag Exhibit B Vivian's bedroom as an 11 YEAR OLD girl. Note all of it!

Swimmer Girl

Last weekend Viv swam her first meet with the Eglin Eels! You've never seen someone so excited about coming in 16th out of 40 swimmers in the 50 backstroke!! She had a blast and is swimming two more races tomorrow. Finally! We've got another swimmer in the family and a  much better one than I was at her age! New kid? What new kid??  She swam up with the big girls in two relays and held her own!  The boys told Viv that if she had been able to do her backstroke flip after her first 25 meters she would've stayed in first place in her heat, so basically, she came in first.  Interesting logic.  She totally bought into it too

Band of Brothers

Band of brothers is what Coach V preached in football at Bishop Machebeuf. He always told the boys that they were brothers on and off the field and that they would be for life. Man, was he right. These four are as tight as they were the first day they stepped onto the field together in Colorado. It was great to have them here for a week - they kept Matt and I laughing (and cooking...a lot!) the whole time! July 4, 2019  Not a bad view Matt took the boys fishing out on the Sweet Jody  While they fished Viv and I had snowcones and wine at the harbor We're so proud of these kids and already looking forward to next summer's visit!

June in Pictures

I'm catching up...slowly but surely, I'm catching up... Father's Day 2019  Wicket and Vivian were the only two kids home! It took Maxwell a few days to get  used to this new Hanson life Morne was our 4th house guest in two weeks These two aren't much different than they were when they were four years old Crab Island fun Garnier Bayou Of course Maxwell found the rope swing!