
Showing posts from August, 2019

First Day of School 2.0

Two down, one to go! Vivian's first day at Saint Mary was last Friday and even though Thursday night her nerves got the best of her, she was ready to go Friday morning. When I picked her up she was all smiles - thank GOD!! Middle school! Saint Mary Catholic School 

August 11, 2019

August 11, 2002

First day of School 1.0

Today was Henry's first day of his junior year in high school...5th school in 5 years...8th school since kindergarten! To say he's adaptable and resilient and is an understatement. That kid is just plain amazing! The boys actually thought that I wouldn't care if Maxwell drove Henry to school today. Clearly, they haven't met me. I've taken him to his first day of school every year since he was five.  I wasn't about to miss this one and I had no shame sitting in the back seat!  Maxwell was sad to see his buddy go... Go do great things, my boy!  I can't wait to see where this journey at  Collegiate  leads you!