
Showing posts from December, 2019

December is Pictures

These last three weeks of December have felt like they've lasted for three months. I'm all tired out so pictures will have to tell the story. Try to keep up!  It all started when Moose came home from school... A couple of days later, the pregnant and nap-happy Garcia's showed up... Kiley pulls this look off much better! A few days after that, the boys and the Garcia's headed to Texas to pick up  Henry's car and tour the University of Texas at Austin Marcus and Kathy reminded me though that Henry's first campus tour was actually in 2008... March 2008 vs December 2019...who would've thought it?! Next up, Pablo and Angie for came to visit for Christmas week and  we started it with a Posada at a friend's house... Patty wasn't kidding when she said there'd be singing in Spanish... and sparklers  Angie and Consuelo totally carried us all