
Showing posts from March, 2022

Spring Break Girls Trip 2022

Viv and I had our own Spring Break 2022 trip but unlike the boys, we slept in comfy beds, ate good food, drank good drinks and got in the hot tub almost every night. I know the boys had a great week, but I'm pretty sure Viv and I won! I had forgotten how beautiful the spring in San Antonio can be. We had perfect weather to do some touristy things and to spend time with the family. Aside from the recent surgeries, everyone at home seemed happy and healthy. It was an easy and calm trip...perfect for what Viv and I had in mind for spring break.  And then there was Parker!! That girl is such a fantastic mess! She's a firecracker packaged up in an itty, bitty body. She's the best parts of Eric and Kiley combined but she's also her own little person. I love her just like she's my own, except I don't have to get her to sleep at night. Aunt Ida FOR THE WIN!  Parks turned 2 with all of the people that love her the most... Shane and Jen crack me up in this picture "H

Spring Break 2022 cont.

More Foothills Trail pics from the boys!  They laughed. They cried. They might've gotten hypothermia. And all three are already planning their next trip.  I can't stop laughing at this one!! I can almost hear them... "Sooo...where to next??"