August Wrap Up

August was jam-packed. The first two weeks of the month we were getting Henry and Vivian ready for school and then settled into their new routines. Next up was Maxwell. It felt like we had just packed him up from Lycoming and repacked him into the house in Alabama, just to pack that up, move it and repack it into this house in Florida. I suppose it didn't just feel like that. That's exactly what we did. And THEN we unpacked and repacked him to go back to Lycoming.

And in the middle of it all, my folks braved the chaos that is usually our house and came to visit. We didn't make any big plans while they were here; they mainly wanted to spend time with the kids. They got to see Maxwell off to school, they got to fully appreciate our excitement about Henry's new school and maybe best of all, they got to celebrate Vivian's 12th birthday with us. On top of all that,  we watched a lot of people and dolphins from the sunroom, we went out a couple of times for fresh seafood and we enjoyed the occasional beverage on the back patio.

Mom and Dad, thanks so much for making the trip to Florida. I know it takes a lot of time and energy but we appreciate it more than you know. You constant and unwavering love and support of all five of us is more than we could ever expect much less repay. We love you both so very much.
Moose's last night at home

Just like that...he was on his way
Maybe my favorite picture...cracks me up!!
Boshamps in Destin, Florida

Vivian has always been good for a birthday list...complete with legend
Her Olive Garden yearly (birthday) pass...yet to be redeemed
August 29, 2019 
the birthday girl and her new BFF, Marlo!

The 12th year of the many faces of Vivian...
the best gift recipient in the history of gift-receiving!

My sweet, sweet girl...

Day 3 of Viv's birthday celebration...her par-tay!

Nothing beats military kids...
all PCS'ed here in June...instant friends.

That's a wrap, August! Let's see what September brings. I'm looking forward to slower days and continued happiness with some more visitors sprinkled in. A girl can hope...


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