Rise and Shine

There's nothing like starting the morning with five cop cars in front of your house...

Around 6:45 this morning the doorbell rang and it wasn't just a regular ring, but a RING. It rang with urgency once and then another couple of times. At 6:45am, no less. I can count on one hand (with only two fingers) the number of times my doorbell has rung since June, so this was definitely concerning. Luckily I was dressed (in pajamas, but dressed) when I opened the door to a military police officer and five MP cars behind her. She asked me without hesitation who called 911.


I told her no one had called 911, but you know when someone asks you a question in a way that makes you question your answer even though you know you're 1000 percent right? That was the feeling I had. No, no one had called 911 but wait...could someone have called 911?? She wasn't really in a patient kind of mood so she said again that a female had called 911 and said she was at Camp Pinchot. She was adamant about saying it was a female voice. All I could tell her was that my daughter was asleep, one of my sons was in the shower and the other was asleep in the "guest house".

Thankfully, I had the sense not to call it the "Hen House". I couldn't imagine she'd think that is as funny as I do.

I walked out with her and headed to the Hen House because she asked me if my son could have a "guest" with him. What I wanted to say was, "the boys are practically sleeping on top of each other as it is in that little room so there's no way a lady friend is stowed away” but again, that didn't seem like the appropriate response. Before I got halfway over there though, two other cops had banged on the door and woken  Maxwell up themselves. I so wish I had a picture of it. Two MP’s standing at the door and Maxwell - in his boxers, hair standing straight up in the air, eyes barely opened - all three looking at me like "what in the hell is happening right now??!".

After verifying that there was not,  in fact, a female in the Hen House that had called 911, or in the main house for that matter, they went down to the neighbors. Lights and all. Again, no one called from there. All clear and then they were gone. They only said later in the morning that the phone number was local and that the call was made within 3000 feet of Camp Pinchot.

It seriously was the creepiest/funniest thing that has happened out here. Only funny because of the picture I still have in my head of Maxwell and those MP’s. Mostly though it was super creepy and weird. So all day, we were trying to piece together the mystery but couldn't come up with anything that made much sense.

Camp Pinchot. I think the longer we're here, the better the stories will get.


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