First Day of School 4.0

Today was my first day of school/work! Seven and half hours with middle schoolers and I survived. My feet are killing me and I've been starving all day but I had a great first day! It was so good to be around other people, especially the kids. I had forgotten how funny middle schoolers are and that they really don't know their heads from their tails. The sixth graders are sweet and clueless, the seventh graders are much less sweet but much more clueless and the eighth graders are something all their own!

Day one highlight:

Kid: Mrs. Hanson, how are you feeling?
Me: I'm good bud. We need to keep working, ok?
Kid: Ok. Mrs. Hanson, can I give you a hug?
Me: No, not right now. We need to keep working.
Kid: Mrs. Hanson, are you going to be here tomorrow?
Me: I am. Let's keep working, ok?
Kid: Ok. I'll just give you a hug tomorrow.
Saint Mary Catholic School 
Middle School Teachers Aide 
February 2, 2020 


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