Warrior Season Opener

Last weekend I left sunny, 70 degree Florida for 10 degree Pennsylvania. That could only mean one thing...Lyco's season opener!!

Maxwell had been cleared to play the week before (mono) but was a little unsure about his play time. He was having a hard time figuring out where he was going to fit into the game plan. Not having played at all during preseason left him feeling a little disconnected.

That lasted about 2 minutes into the game though. For the second year in a row Moose had the season opening goal for the Warriors!!

I had a great weekend with him. More than ever, he seemed like his happy, confident self. He's never going to not worry and he's never going to cut himself slack, but he has an ease about him again. I miss him like crazy and am already counting the days until we're all up there again. Hopefully, it's warmed up a bit by then!
Don't let the blue skies and shorts fool you...
it was freezing!!

For once I was prepared
Photo credit: Lycoming Athletics
Photo credit: Lycoming Atheltics

I told Maxwell that if I hadn't been at the game in person, and had seen this
happen on the live stream, I would've been on the first plane into Williamsport.
I was already losing sleep because of his mono...this would've put me over the edge!
Thankfully it was just a contusion though.

A celebratory dinner at the Brickyard with the boys

Mama Hanson and Mama Premo took on dirty Willpo...
and won...
Let's go Warriors!!!


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