
Showing posts from June, 2020

Viv Down

Friday afternoon Viv and I were picking up pine needles from the shore that had washed up from the tropical storm. There was a ton of them and Viv was a trooper...until she jumped to dump her pile of pine needles onto the bigger pile and came down funky on her ankle and landed right on a tree root. She swelled and bruised pretty quickly but we didn't take her into the ER until Saturday afternoon. I try not to get concerned until Matt does, and when he said he was worried, he took her in. It's been six months since one of us had to go into the ER, so I guess we were due... Thankfully, it's just a sprain. Nothing is torn or broken so she's hanging out on the couch, drinking her coffee, icing her ankle and reading her books. She'll be up and running in no time...  ...and still smiling...

21 Years Strong

Two weeks have past but here are a few pictures from our anniversary weekend. We took the jet ski out by ourselves and watched a beautiful sunset with Viv. 21 years, 3 kids, 9 military assignments and countless laughs. Life hasn't been perfect but it's been pretty darn good and I wouldn't change a single thing. Here's to the next 21! May 29, 2020