
Showing posts from August, 2020

15th Grade

Maxwell's first day of school was last Thursday...Lyco has made it a full week with everyone on campus and nothing has been called off yet. I think that's a win! The school has a good plan in place, but the reality is it's up to the student body to follow the rules and stay, or act a fool and possibly get sent home. We're hoping and praying for rule following! Moose headed back to school this year with optimism and excitement that I hadn't seen in him for probably two years. He's got a couple of great school opportunities to look forward to with some pretty significant changes coming his way. He seems to be content in the big decisions he made during the last few months in quarantine. I was telling Matt that I think he grew up quite a bit during those 5 months at home. We never anticipated that a global pandemic would bring him home, but we're now seeing the silver linings.  Go out and do great things, Moose!! Lycoming College, Williamsport PA  Fir

Homeschool...Take 1

Never have I ever considered homeschooling...until 2020 came along. Thanks a lot, global pandemic. So here we go... Vivian Jayne - 7th grade  August 17, 2020 Camp Pinchot Backyard 

August 11, 2020

August 11, 2020 was a good day. It was Henry's first official day of his senior year of high school. Had August 11th been different in 2002, we wouldn't have been able to celebrate Henry's milestone day yesterday. So, August 11th was a good day thanks to God and to this boy of mine... Collegiate High School  Class of 2021

Bow Fishing...Not Catching

Last weekend we tried a new thing and it turned out to be a whole different world!  Bow fishing was a ton of fun, but we had no idea how difficult it would be. Vivian was probably the most excited about it until she actually tried to pull the arrow and realized that it was a 40lb draw that she couldn't pull back. Ugh. She was so sad. So there was that. Then there was the fact that we were shooting at stingrays. We all thought we'd be bow fishing for FISH. It wasn't until after we were off the boat that the boys admitted they were kind of glad that they had zero shooting precision because they really didn't want to kill a stingray. Who knew?! Matt, Maxwell and Henry all got quite a few shots off and even came close a couple of times, but in the end, no stingrays were harmed in the making of the pictures ;)  As disappointed as she was, Viv put on a happy face and enjoyed the boat ride