Bow Fishing...Not Catching

Last weekend we tried a new thing and it turned out to be a whole different world! 

Bow fishing was a ton of fun, but we had no idea how difficult it would be. Vivian was probably the most excited about it until she actually tried to pull the arrow and realized that it was a 40lb draw that she couldn't pull back. Ugh. She was so sad. So there was that. Then there was the fact that we were shooting at stingrays. We all thought we'd be bow fishing for FISH. It wasn't until after we were off the boat that the boys admitted they were kind of glad that they had zero shooting precision because they really didn't want to kill a stingray. Who knew?!

Matt, Maxwell and Henry all got quite a few shots off and even came close a couple of times, but in the end, no stingrays were harmed in the making of the pictures ;) 

As disappointed as she was, Viv put on a happy face and enjoyed the boat ride


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