Hurricane Sally

Global pandemic, quarantine, homeschool...why not throw in a hurricane??

Monday morning

Tuesday morning 

Tuesday afternoon

Tuesday afternoon when it started to pick up and I stopped going outside...
still about 12 hours from landfall

Sally made landfall at about 5:00am Wednesday morning...overnight was the worst. Honestly, I don't think I've ever been that scared, and yes, I know. It was only a Cat 2 and it didn't even hit us directly.

Got it. Noted. 

Even so,  it was terrifying for me and I'll totally own that. The sounds of the wind and debris hitting the house and the windows coupled with the darkness was almost too much for me. I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep so I didn't even get into bed on Monday night. I was up all night in the living room. Matt tried to sleep on and off but at 4:00 am we had a tornado warning so he went to the Hen House to get Henry. I thought Hen would be a ball of nerves, but no. Henry was dead asleep and not very amused that we were making him come into the main house in the middle of a hurricane. 
7:00am Wednesday

Wednesday Afternoon...
the rain and wind gusts started to let up enough so that we could take a look outside

Matt's pride and joy...didn't move an inch 

By Thursday late morning the water had started to recede and by Thursday afternoon we started the clean up process. By Friday afternoon we were put back together and ready for the next one. 

That's a lie.

I'm never staying through another hurricane again. Next time, I'm getting the heck outta dodge. 

Our Camp Pinchot view restored
September 2020




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