
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Calm Before the Storm

Quite literally. This was yesterday at Pensacola Beach. It was beautiful and empty. Today, it stormed all day.

November Wrap Up

I wish I had more to say on the regular but life is pretty mundane these days. We're staying home as much as possible, but we're all healthy and (mostly) happy so not having much to say isn't so bad. Here's what we've been up to though... We took the jet ski out for (probably) the last ride of the season a couple of weeks ago Matt put lights up outside so we're doing A LOT of football watching on the patio... ...and dolphin watching... Viv started tennis's the perfect sport for a pandemic! Henry was accepted to Montana State University AND was offered a pretty impressive scholarship! More to come on the college search... Matt and I donate blood every 8 weeks and we  were finally able to link up our appointments this month! Moose came home!!  On Thanksgiving Day I took my 100th Peloton ride... it was such a hard ride but it felt so good! Afterwards I celebrated with wine... Thanksgiving dinner wasn't what we had planned, but still, we were th

The College Search Continued

 Henry's first two college acceptance letters have come in...two down, two to go!  Where he'll end up...nobody knows.

Tricks and Treats 2020

 Cleopatra, Covid and Bears...oh my.  She called herself Cleopatra the Queen of Quarantine I knew I had seen that pose before!! Thank goodness for these two sweet friends of Viv's... they've kept each other sane and laughing during this crazy time! After our 2020 version of trick or treating, the girls came back to Pinchot for a firepit and sleepover... turns out they got quite a bear show at 3:00am From the living room the girls watched two bears climb  the tree to get to the roof of the house... you can see their claws marks on the bark... ...then they watched both bears try to climb in the  hammock but fall out of the bottom of it... ...and then climb in and out of the kayaks.... ...a few hours later as Viv and I were driving back onto Pinchot, we saw this... Tricks and treats...what more can I say??