
Showing posts from April, 2021

The Last Day

  Thursday, 29 April 2021 The Last Day  Yesterday was Henry's last day of 4 years of high school. Three different schools in four short years. A private school in Colorado, a public school in Alabama and a charter, dual enrollment school in Florida. And yet, he's still smiling.  I mess up every day as a mom. Every. Single. Day.  I am by no means an expert. I've been at this for almost 21 years now, and I still feel like I'm on a wing and a prayer.  But, I'm teachable and thank goodness Henry's a good teacher. If I had to make a highlight reel of what he's taught me these four years this is what it would be... Don't get caught up on the hamster wheel of honors, advanced, AP, IB, classes. Let your kid take classes that they are confident they can excel at. Don't listen to the teacher, counselor, friend, other parent, recruiter who tells you there's only one way to academic success. It's going to look different for everyone.   Protect their emot

Done and Dusted

In the words of one of my favorite Peloton instructors, DONE AND DUSTED! Vivian is officially finished with her 7th grade, homeschool year!! She not only survived, she thrived! Her writing skills really took off and even though there were plenty of tears through math, she caught up, she gained confidence and now she's ready to tackle a more advanced 8th grade math curriculum.  Congratulations, my girl!! You handled this last year and half of virtual school with grace and grit. If I wasn't your mom, I'd totally want to be your best friend! 

A Big Weekend

Maxwell's last three days have been pretty stellar! Friday he ran his final track meet of the season and placed 6th in the mens 800 meter. Who knew running would bring Maxwell so much happiness?! Let’s go Warriors!  Saturday he received his first dose of the Covid 19 vaccine...FINALLY! Another wave is hitting Lyco right now, and with finals just a couple of weeks away, this couldn't have come at a better time. With this timing he'll be able to get his second dose before he and Hen leave for Colorado. Four of five Hanson's are vaccinated!!  The biggest Moose news of the weekend though came today at the Lycoming Honors Convocation where Maxwell received two awards. The first was the 2021 Robert W. Rabold Economics Excellence Award, which was awesome, but the second award was what he'd been working toward for months. Maxwell was selected to receive a Haberberger Fellowship for his research proposal of eviction moritoriums and their effects on Covid 19 transmission. He&

This is 80

 Last year my mom's 79th birthday looked like this... 2021 looked much different though! Fully vaccinated, happy and healthy!  THIS IS 80!! Happy, happy birthday Mom!!  Same time, same place (sort of) next year!

Collegiate Prom (Covid Style) 2021

Just like everything else in the last year and half, Henry's senior prom was...different. There were no big group dinners beforehand, no corsage and boutonniere exchange, no school sponsored after party. The dance was indoors and outdoors on campus, the kids had to wear masks the entire time and only Collegiate students could attend, but there was PROM! Hen's girlfriend had a dance performance that night so they met at the dance and then came back to the house for pictures. His hair had a life of its own by then and Caroline still had her stage makeup on, but they were cute and happy and laughing...what more can you ask for?!  One more senior prom is in the books! Hmmm...praying before Prom...staged or not staged???? STAGED.  Next up...graduation!!