
Showing posts from July, 2021

A Major Award

When Matt left Eglin at the end of May he was awarded the Legion of Merit for his 2 year Command and for his work during the Covid response. This past week the AFSOC leadership presented made it official and had a short ceremony. Typically, the Headquarters building is off limits to civilians, but somehow, I was invited to attend...and then was quickly escorted out of the building when the ceremony was over.  It was super cool to be there though. I totally felt like a stealth visitor, and couldn't be more proud of Matt! 

Hashtag Besties Reunion

#BestiesReunion is what Viv and AB termed their Florida vacation and it didn't disappoint! These two have been besties since kindergarten in Virginia. Viv has been back to visit AB a few times and AB came to visit us in Colorado. They had big plans for last spring...but Covid....and then last summer...but still we were all crossing our fingers for this summer. I think we got in just under the wire.  Thank goodness for the friendships that withstand time AND a global pandemic!  When you surprise two teenage girls with  the news that you're going to Universal Studios The first night at Universal and they wanted to go out in "fancy dresses" and take pics... teenage girls are SO different than teenage boys!  Early park arrival and Express Passes were lifesavers... we spent 12 hours at the park! They promised the water ride would be fun and that we wouldn't get that wet.... they lied.  Watching the fireworks in Destin for AB's last night in town And then

Colorado Living

How many times on this blog have a written "I'm so behind in posting"?! Well, it's that time again...I'm so behind in posting!  A few weeks ago we went to visit the boys in Denver. I'll be honest, going to "visit the kids" is a completely new chapter in life. It was so different to see them in their own space. They're both working 40 hour work weeks. They have their daily routines down to a science. They come home from work, they eat dinner, they go to the climbing gym and then they're in bed by 10:00.  Just like real-life adults.  They're taking care of themselves, but more importantly, they're taking care of each other and the people around them. Matt and I couldn't be more proud.