Roll Tide Roll

One week down and Henry says he's doing great! We had such a fun drive to Tuscaloosa together...he was equal parts excited and nervous, I think. Once we got there on Friday afternoon he was READY though. He wanted to move in right away even though his move-in time wasn't scheduled until the next day. Luckily though, everyone at Bama is super nice and the RA's let us move him in early. By Saturday afternoon his room was totally done, and his suite was almost finished too.

It was hard for Yolande and I to say good-bye to he and Morne on Sunday, but it helped to have each other to commiserate with. It also helped to drink wine with lunch and dinner together everyday for the next three days :) 

I miss you already, Henry, but I know you're going to do great thing!! RTR!!!

Being the little sister is hard....
I'm so glad we made the drive together!! 
Some things never change though...LOL
Morne and Henry 
They're in a 4 bedroom suite...
this is the living room with two bedrooms and a bathroom on each side
This was definitely NOT what my college dorm looked like!

Day 2 engineering...

Perfect fit! 

Day 3...trying to talk myself into leaving...
Jack, Morne and Hen...
their first night in the dorm

Cole arrived a few days later...
have fun boys and make good decisions!!
10/10 recommend doing college drop off with one of your best friends! 


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