A Long Story

I got this in my inbox yesterday and it was the best feeling!! I've been donating blood every 8 weeks for about a year and a half now and this was the first time I was notified that I was a perfect match for someone in need. Given what happened the day that I donated, getting this email was even more special. It's kind of a long story though...

The morning that Matt and I went to donate, we had walked three miles beforehand and it was super hot and humid outside. I had some water and a quick breakfast when we got home and then we left for base. We always donate at the mobile bus and that day it was at the BX on Eglin. I went in first, and because we didn't have appointments, I was done before Matt was even hooked up. I told him that I was just going to wait for the him in the BX. I started walking across the parking lot and had a quick chat with the Firestone Tire guy and right as he and I passed each other I started to feel weak. I was probably mid-way between the mobile bus and the actual BX and I knew I was going to pass out. I saw a shady spot on the sidewalk in front of me so I walked that way, leaned up against the brick building and I passed out. Luckily, I didn't fall. When I came to I was slumped over and soaking wet, I think because I tried to open a bottle of water, but couldn't get it to my mouth so it spilled all over me. There was a lady asking me if I knew where I was (and I did) and there was a guy from the mobile bus that had come over to me with ice packs and gatorade. I was able to talk to them and they told me that the Firestone Tire guy went into the bus to tell them that they had someone down on the sidewalk, and then someone else went in to tell Matt that they thought it was his wife. 

What a debacle. 

Apparently, I had passed out twice while the lady was with me. I don't remember the second time at all though. Once Matt got to me and I had some gatorade I was feeling a little better. My vision was clear and I was making sense. They all helped me into the Jeep and Matt and I started for home. We didn't get far before I passed out again though. I could hear Matt calling my name and then I felt him feeling for my pulse but I couldn't open my eyes. I remember telling him "I hear you" and then asking "are we going to the hospital?" when I felt him turn the car around and drive in the other direction. 

When we got to the ER a few minutes later I couldn't walk on my own so was wheeled in by a nurse. Because of Covid Matt couldn't go into triage with me. I still couldn't open my eyes but I could hear what everyone was saying and I was able respond. They took my vitals and I remember them saying "we don't have anywhere to put her. She has to wait out in the waiting room." They wheeled me back out and put my phone in my lap and said to call Matt and tell him that he could wait in the waiting room with me. I did that and realized that the place was packed and I was surrounded by other people who were all probably in the ER with Covid symptoms. Once Matt came in he wheeled me to the furtherest spot, away from everyone else and we waited. 

And waited. 

We both knew that I needed an IV but that just wasn't going to happen quickly. I was probably the least sick person in the waiting room so I wasn't going to be high on the priority list, even though I had lost consciousness three times within probably 45 minutes. So I kept drinking water and gatorade while we waited for me to feel well enough to try to go home again. I have no idea how long that was though.

Once we got home Matt and Viv took good care of me, and after a few days I was feeling more like myself. I'll tell you what though...I'm glad I didn't have an actual life or death emergency. The short staffed ER medics were doing their very best but when people say "there are no beds", they totally and completely mean there are no beds.

So all of that to say that yesterday when I got the email from One Blood letting me know that my blood donation was going to someone who I was perfectly matched with at Jackson Memorial, I was elated. Thankfully, something very good came out of a very bummer of a day!


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