Homeschool 2.0

When Viv got her Covid-19 vaccine in June we told her that was her ticket back to in-person school this fall. When school started 4 weeks ago, we all crossed our fingers and hoped that it would work out. 

Well, it didn't. 

In the first three days of school, three of her teachers tested positive for Covid, and kids starting falling out left and right. Vivian was one of only a hand full of kids and staff that wore a mask, and she said she knew that kids were making fun of her because of it. That didn't bother her though; thankfully, she knew she was on the right side of that fight. What bothered me was the dishonesty by the school and school district. I can accept a lot of things, but lying when it comes to the health and safety of one of my kids, isn't one of them. 

I could spend an hour writing about the lack of health protection in this community. Denial doesn't even begin to describe it. Zero mask wearing on top of one of the lowest vaccine rates in the state, on top of one of the highest positivity rates makes for the perfect storm. I get that people don't want to have to think about Covid anymore, but just because you don't want to, doesn't make it go away. We can't "live in fear".  Holy hell if I hear that one more time. I'm not living in fear...I'm living in reality. Those are two very different ways of living. My neighborhood is full of unvaccinated, Covid positive kids and parents, but I'm the one "living in fear". I'd argue that fear is trying to find an open ER bed when you or your child needs it. 

Spoiler won't find one. 

Ugh. I'm so tired of thinking about it. I'm so tired of feeling like my family is doing everything we can to keep ourselves and our community safe, but very few seem to be doing the same for us. I'm so tired of watching our medics try to educate the public that is hell bent on denial and entitlement. A year and a half ago Matt said that this felt like trying to stop a waterfall with your hands. I wish, a year and a half later, he could say that has changed. But just like wanting it, wishing it doesn't make it so. 

Sooo, there you have it. Ramblings of me. Not that anyone should care what my random thoughts are, but it feels good to get it all out of my head. 

And's to Viv! Homeschool 2.0 and actually smiling about it. Thank goodness that in the midst of the crazy, she is the happy calm!

August 30, 2021
Viv's second, first day of 8th grade
wearing clothes that aren't appropriate for in-person school!


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