Happy Halloween 2021

I think this was the first normal, real holiday since Covid and we were ready for it!!

Viv and one of her friends have been planning their costumes for, literally, months and they totally nailed it. Henry came home for a quick visit with some friends and Maxwell ran his tail off in PA. All around...it was a great weekend for the Hansons! 

Maxwell and the Warriors had a great showing at the MAC Championships on Saturday and next up are NCAA Mideast Regionals on 13 Nov. How is it possible that that will be his last collegiate competition?? 

Pre and post-race write ups...



Lycoming Cross Country Seniors 
Class of 2022

Saturday night we got to spend with these Alabama kids...
it was so great to have them all at house and to have hungry mouths to feed!

Friday night we had some neighbors over for food, drinks and pumpkin carving...
Viv and neighborhood friends had a blast!

TA-DA!! Hufflepuff!

I can't remember the last time Viv was as happy as she was this past weekend!!
Happy Halloween 2021! 


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