
Showing posts from September, 2022


  15 and has her learners permit!! 

The Birthday Girl

 Here are snap shots from the rollercoaster of emotion that was the birthday girl!  Before school she opened her one gift from Matt and I Dinner after swim practice  More gifts from family back home Cheers to the past 15 years of joy and a lifetime yet to come!

15 Years Ago Tonight...

The night before Viv's birthday Matt and I were remembering what we were doing at that time 15 years ago... We went out to to eat by ourselves while my mom and dad watched the boys. Southwestern egg rolls from Chili's were calling my name and since I was going to be induced the next morning, they seemed like the right answer to a "last supper". I was 8 days past my due date (just like the other two) and was so ready to be done, although no one tells you that the real work starts after you're "done". After dinner we went home to settle the boys in and go over the next days plan with my parents again. Matt and I were supposed to be at the hospital at 6:00am for induction, so we would have to leave about 5:15. We told the boys goodnight and that we'd call them the next evening whenever after their sister made her appearance.  Their sister had a different plan. Around midnight I woke up feeling off, went to the bathroom and decided that those southwester