
Showing posts from January, 2020

The Short Story - The End

Henry's short story ended tonight. From 4 feet 10 inches to 5 feet 8 inches. He took his first Human Growth Hormone (HGH) injection on April 17, 2017, and his last one tonight. That's 1018 days of injections. 2 years, 9 months and 13 days and it's been all Henry the entire time. Not once did Matt or I give him an injection. Henry took control from day one and was responsible for his own treatment every day after that. I'm not sure why but it feels bittersweet to end this journey. Bitter in that I can still feel the self-doubt and second-guessing Matt and I put ourselves through when we first started Henry's testing, but sweet in that today I have no doubt we made the right decisions back then. Sweet in that Henry has come so far, and sweet in that I am so, so proud of him. So, there it is. The End. Florida State University  January 18, 2020

Parker Rose of Texas

Last weekend Vivian and I were in Texas to celebrate the upcoming arrival of the new baby girl in the family! Viv isn't super excited about surrendering her title, but she's willing to take one for the team. As always, our trip went by way too fast. As my mom said, "it's like y'all came in through the front door one minute, and went out the back door the next!". We did get to see lots of old friends and family though which made the three and a half day trip totally worth it! Next time we're in Texas, we should be holding baby Parks herself!  First stop (thanks to Grandpa) was for queso flameado... could this possibly be why Viv doesn't want to give up being the "baby girl"?! Viv and I spent a night in Austin visiting with Luke and Les and James and Pepper... Pepper stole for the show for sure Saturday night was for old friends who are like family and family themselves It's not often that we're all und

Tell Me

I forgot to post this a couple of weeks ago...classic Vivian! This is a note she left on her bathroom door when both her brothers  were home and someone stopped up her toilet. No one ever said the notes always have to be sweet and inspiring!

Rise and Shine

There's nothing like starting the morning with five cop cars in front of your house... Around 6:45 this morning the doorbell rang and it wasn't just a regular ring, but a RING. It rang with urgency once and then another couple of times. At 6:45am, no less. I can count on one hand (with only two fingers) the number of times my doorbell has rung since June, so this was definitely concerning. Luckily I was dressed (in pajamas, but dressed) when I opened the door to a military police officer and five MP cars behind her. She asked me without hesitation who called 911. Ummm...huh?? I told her no one had called 911, but you know when someone asks you a question in a way that makes you question your answer even though you know you're 1000 percent right? That was the feeling I had. No, no one had called 911 but wait...could someone have called 911?? She wasn't really in a patient kind of mood so she said again that a female had called 911 and said she was at Camp Pinchot.