
Showing posts from November, 2021

Deck Chairs

At Sunday Mass, Father started his homily with the story of the Titanic and how, after it hit an iceberg, some on board decided to rearrange the deck chairs. With all the chaos going on around them, they were worried about the deck chairs. He asked us, "if you were given four months to live, what would you do?". Not many people on their death beds wish for more money or bigger houses or more stuff. They wish for more time with the people that they love. But here we are...rearranging the deck chairs as we "wait". We concentrate on futile tasks, things that have no lasting impact. We're just rearranging the deck chairs.  Viv and I had tears rolling down our faces about 3 minutes into Father's homily. It felt a little like a gut punch. Like a "HEY, you! Wake up!" moment. Later that afternoon Matt said the same thing. He felt like that homily was made specifically for him to hear, specifically on that Sunday. If I had to guess, everyone in the church f

November in Pictures

 So many good things in the lately!! The old Kollweiler gang got back together and just a *little bit* of fun was had Viv and the Niceville Eagles took  2nd place in the Surf-n-Turf Championship! #2-4 about to rip it! Maxwell ran his final cross country meet of his college career at the NCAA Mideast Regionals and finished with a team best! And this week he was named to the MAC All-Sportmanship Team! And Henry went to his last Bama  home game of his first year!

A Little Lax

Viv’s at it again… it feels great to be back on a lacrosse field!  I can’t help myself…let’s goooo 2-4!!

Belated Birthday Surprise

Aunt Kiley and Uncle Eric won the Belated Birthday Gift of the Year Award! Thanks a lot guys...this makes the Kitchen Aid hand mixer we got Viv for Christmas last year look like childs play! Joke might be on y'all though. She's never going to remind you of her birth date again!!  Homemade tortillas were first up...she really is my little mini-me! And yes! They were as good as they look!! 

Happy Halloween 2021

I think this was the first normal, real holiday since Covid and we were ready for it!! Viv and one of her friends have been planning their costumes for, literally, months and they totally nailed it. Henry came home for a quick visit with some friends and Maxwell ran his tail off in PA. All was a great weekend for the Hansons!  Maxwell and the Warriors had a great showing at the MAC Championships on Saturday and next up are NCAA Mideast Regionals on 13 Nov. How is it possible that that will be his last collegiate competition??  Pre and post-race write ups... Lycoming Cross Country Seniors  Class of 2022 Saturday night we got to spend with these Alabama k