
Showing posts from June, 2022

The Long Trail

273 miles from end to end. It's not my story to tell because I'm not there, but I least I have some pictures to share.  I hope when they get back one of them, or Matt, will do a "Blog Takeover" and tell all of their stories here. Until then... 7-10 June... Matt, Maxwell and Henry hiked about 70 miles together 10 June they split up and Matt headed home the next day... 7 more days and I don't know how many more miles to go...

Camp Allen 2.0

Year 2 at Camp Allen did not dissappoint! Cara and Viv  Until next year! 

Treasure Nugget

I found this treasure nugget in my glove compartment yesterday. I had never seen it before, but Viv says she made it when we were stationed at Buckley, so probably 2017. Now that I know it's there, I know where to go when I'm feeling down. This girl. This note-writing, girl of mine.... Mom Have a grate day Love you Viv When you are feeling down just read this Love Viv PS.  You are super mom PS. If today is a special occasion Happy birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Ester, etc Love ya

Saint Mary Class of 2022

 A college graduation and an 8th grade graduation within a week!  Vivian will never forget her time at Saint Mary. In her three years of middle school, she was only there in- person for 13 months because of the Covid, but those 13 months were her absolute happiest. Even after we left to homeschool for a year and a half, Viv was welcomed back with open arms both by her teachers and her friends. It was like she was never gone.  It'll always be hard to put my gratitude for Saint Mary's into words. It wasn't just a school or a community, it was a place where Vivian found herself. In a short time, she put down roots and she bloomed.  For that, I'll always be thankful.