Happy Halloween 2022

Truth be told, I was never a big fan of Halloween when the kids were little. The mad dash home after school or practice to quickly change into the costume that was inevitably too small, too big, missing a piece, something. The kids would be spun into the ceiling and then hopped up on sugar after trick or treating and still the worst was yet to come, the-day-after-Halloween-too-much-sugar-too-little-sleep, hangover. 

The best of Halloween world is really meant for parents of big kids...college kids...adult kids. Last night Viv got herself ready to go out with friends and Matt and I sat out on the driveway with our buckets of candy and said (probably) too many times, "oh man. Do you remember those days?!". 

We didn't have to walk anywhere. There were no kids to wrangle. No flashlights to find. No race home for showers and bedtime. 

These. These are the days of a real Happy Halloween! 

The little little as the Good Witch 

...and the big little and middle little can't be left out...
This was the only picture we got from Maxwell's Halloween party...
it's super blurry but you can almost make out that he was a duck...
Henry and his roommates made quite the trio as the prisoner and the pirates...
I've been laughing about this picture for days now! 


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